Jan Zwicky

Jan Zwicky



Saturday, August 21, 10–3:30 and Sunday, August 22, 9–2:30

Has this long grey pandemic year sapped your creative muscle?

Hard to put heft and vigour into your poems’ cadence and pacing, imagery and metaphor? Language a bit flabby when you want it tough and sinewy? 

We are thrilled to announce Jan Zwicky as poet-mentor for our 7th annual retreat. A multi-faceted scholar, environmentalist, and inspired teacher, Jan’s musical and philosophical disciplines also inform her poetry. In this two-day retreat, participants will find ways to hone their ear for the musicality of language, rhythm, and pacing. Exercises in the retreat will encourage habits of witness, of a lyrical attention to detail so that “the hand moving is the hand thinking”. Sessions will include examination of the craft of master poets, discussions focused through handouts, and workshop sessions looking at the poems of participants.

Jan would like to see a sample of registrants’ poetry prior to the retreat; she will use these as the basis for group discussions. When you register, please include up to three poems (or up to three pages of poems, if they’re very short). These will be photocopied and distributed as the basis for the workshops.

LOCATION: Details upon registration. The retreat will be held in a private home, and as such we request participants be fully vaccinated. Individuals will choose to wear a mask or not as per BC Health guidelines at the time.

COST: $180.00

REGISTRATION: Click to email Barbara Pelman
Subject line: 2021 PEP retreat.
Make out cheques to Planet Earth Poetry, e-transfers to this email. 
Your cheque or e-transfer will hold your place.

Max 10 participants

Please be aware of PEP’s cancellation policy: Your cheque or e-transfer will hold your place, and if you have to cancel before August 14, this will be refunded. Cancellations after the 14th will not be refunded unless we can fill your place.